Easter Egg HuntMarch 5, 2015

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

It's almost time for the third annual Easter egg hunt at Carter Park on Stinson St. between Victoria and Wellington.

On Easter Saturday each year, all the kids from the area gather together for an Easter egg hunt. Chocolate eggs are hidden all over the park (sometimes up to 5000 eggs). At 2pm the kids begin the hunt. There is no cost for the egg hunt and there will be a minimal charge for cotton candy or popcorn. No family will be turned away and the event is not limited to residents of the Stinson neighbourhood

Stay tuned for more information closer to the date.

If you would like to help out and support this worthy event please visit:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/3rd-annual-stinson-easter-egg-hunt-in-carter-park

Remember "our community is only as strong as we make it".


Easter, Easter Egg Hunt, Hamilton events, Stinson, apartments for rent