Mother's Day
Mother's Day
This means so many things to so many people. Some celebrate by letting mom relax and do nothing while others take mom out on an adventure to spend quality time together. Mother's Day has certainly changed for me over the years as I am sure it has for everyone, growing from a baby where you have no idea that you need to do anything for that lady that keeps changing and feeding you, then on to school with all the macaroni jewelry you can create for that lady that seems to still be around, still taking care of everything, moving onto adolescence where her presence isn't always a welcome addition to your social gatherings in the basement, but you always have food and refreshments and your friends love her. Then you leave the nest, maybe go off to school or get your own place. Maybe you call your mom every day or just once in a while to know that she still has your back. Your wedding day comes and there she is, fluffing your dress and all the while choking back tears of pride and joy. Then it happens. You become one. One of those ladies, one of those "moms"; and it changes everything. You no longer wonder why that lady kept getting up in the middle of the night to feed, change and reassure you that you were safe in her arms. You no longer feel like you were not being trusted every time she was still awake when you got home late or why it was so hard to let you drive the car for the first time and move out of the house. You know now, because you feel it. You feel that worry, panic, fear and heart palpitating breathlessness and it's the best and most terrifying thing you have ever felt before. It's called MOTHERHOOD.
To those of you that are lucky enough to have your mother here on earth with you celebrate her. No matter how far away she might be. Take the time to acknowledge that she has truly been your guiding light in this big scary world. Remember, without HER, there would be no YOU!